Beat the Post-Holiday Slump: Tips for Getting Back on Track in the New Year

Between Halloween and New Year’s, the holidays are a hectic time of year. The season is go-go-go, and then, it suddenly stops. The post-holiday letdown is real, especially after the inevitable return to work after the “most wonderful time of the year.” Here are some tips for getting back on track!

What Is the Post-Holiday Slump?

A “crash” or post-vacation blues may occur after the highs of the holiday season. For some, it means returning to work, school, or other responsibilities like being a full-time caretaker. Returning to the swing of things can cause feelings of emptiness, loneliness, stress, and post-holiday letdown. Stress and depression can also set in, leaving you with insomnia, low energy, irritability, difficulty concentrating, and anxiety. Unlike clinical depression, which is a chronic condition, this type of distress is short-lived and should eventually pass.

Bouncing Back From the Post-Holiday Slump

It isn’t necessary to jump back into life by hitting the ground running. You can take your time to unwind: unpack if you went on vacation, take down holiday decorations, and just make yourself a cup of tea. Wind down slowly. Beyond taking your time to get back into the groove, the following are great ways to bounce back:

Communicate Your Feelings

If you are struggling, tell a family member or friend. They might be able to help and support you – and give you more to look forward to this month.

Be Kind to Yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself. We often put undue pressure on ourselves. Take the time to breathe and practice self-care.

Put a Fun Event on Your Calendar

Brighten up the new year by planning a fun get-together with friends or family, such as visiting a museum, attending a sporting event, or even having a special luncheon at your favorite restaurant.

Don’t Skimp on Sleep

Don’t let the post-holiday slump get the best of you! Make sure you get enough sleep each night (7-8 hours is ideal) to boost your mood and energy levels. Sleep deprivation can increase your risk of anxiety and depression, so it’s important to make sleep a priority.

Make Healthy Eating a Priority

Nourish your body with stress-busting and energy-boosting foods, such as fruit, vegetables, oatmeal, salmon, dark chocolate, green tea, and whole grains.

Do you have any tips for beating the post-holiday slump? Share them with us in the comments below!

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