What’s Up With the ‘Marriage Language’ TikTok Trend ?

When two people become close, they naturally develop a second language. If it’s a friendship, you might have inside jokes and memories you talk about all the time. If it’s a romance, you may have pet names or code words you reference in front of outsiders. That’s called “marriage language” – and TikTok has been raving about it. Are you familiar with the trending topic? If not, we’ve got you covered.

What Is Marriage Language?

Marriage language includes silly nicknames, inside jokes, endearing phrases, and more. The best part? You don’t have to be married to have this kind of connection; you just have to be in a healthy relationship.

Marriage language doesn’t start immediately; it’s earned over time. You can’t just pick up on each other’s lingo by the first, second, or third date. Two partners need to feel secure, understand one another, and respect one another to form this kind of togetherness.

When Can You Use Marriage Language?

Many couples subconsciously use marriage language to express their love languages. This includes using fun nicknames like “babycakes,” “honey buns,” or “snookums.” Other couples use marriage language in private conversations and public places. Allow us to explain.

  • Private Conversations: If a heated, tense, or practical discussion is underway, there will be angst in the room. Instead of pushing the bounds of the topic at hand, couples can use marriage language to calm the fire. This simple *hint hint* signals that emotions are high and can alleviate pressure.
  • Public Places: If a couple is in a social situation, awkward scenarios and time-to-go moments may arise. Instead of blatantly leaving a conversation or gathering, a couple can develop code words or gestures to signal a good saving is needed. That way, no one else needs to know or be offended.

Can a Relationship Benefit From Marriage Language?

Participating in marriage language can be a healthy way for couples to communicate. In fact, relationship experts state that it can bring couples closer together in intimacy, exclusivity, and laughter and contribute to a lasting bond. However, don’t make marriage language the only time you grow in closeness. You still want to continue to have deep conversations, build on your foundation, and be honest about your feelings.
Can Marriage Language Become Toxic?

Can marriage language be toxic? It’s definitely possible. If the marriage language is too inclusive or offensive to others outside the relationship, it may be seen as isolating or disrespectful.

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