Solo Dates You Simply MUST Go On

True happiness comes from within, which means it’s important to cultivate and practice habits that are meaningful to you. Regardless of your relationship status, ensuring you have “me” time is vital, and one of our favorite ways to do that is by dating yourself. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it, the more confident you’ll become. If you’re in your main character era (or on your way there), here are five unique solo dates you must go on.

Flower Fields Forever

Summer is the perfect time to visit a flower farm or field. Finding one near you may require some investigating, but it could turn into a day trip. This means you can create the ultimate road trip playlist, catch up on your favorite podcast, or get deep into an audiobook. Depending on what flower field or farm you visit, you may get to pick your own flowers and come home with a bountiful bouquet you chose and arranged yourself. At the very least, you’ll get some quality time with yourself to take in all of the pretty blooms.

Take a Tour

Local tours are fun, whether a bus tour, a walking tour of a historic district, or a guided tour of a museum you always wanted to visit. Not only do you get to learn about the city you live in, but you also get to meet people interested in the same things you are.

Solo Rot Day

If you’re not aware, a rot day is a day where you sit around and do nothing in a hip and trendy way. It’s basically a mental health day where you doomscroll, eat takeout, and contribute next to nothing. No matter the season, enjoying a rot day may be the solo date you need. Just ensure your rot day doesn’t turn into a rot weekend – or week.

Let Your Creativity Flow

Do you have a Pinterest board dedicated to craft projects you’d like to try sometime? Well, that time is now. Spend a day doing something creative, whether jewelry making, pottery, or embroidering. If it’s a nice day, take your project outdoors to soak up some sun.

Have Fun in the Kitchen

Treat yourself to an exquisite dining experience at home. Plan your ideal meal with recipes that work for you, head to the store to grab ingredients, wine, and a bouquet of your favorite flowers, then cook yourself a five-star meal. And don’t forget dessert – you deserve it!

Benefits of Dating Yourself

Dating yourself is the ultimate act of self-love. Here are just a few benefits you can expect once you master the art of dating yourself.

  • Realizing you can make yourself happy will boost your confidence.
  • You’ll get to know yourself, which will help you navigate the world better.
  • You can’t get to know a person until you truly know yourself, so be prepared for healthy, strong relationships in the future.
  • Stop compromising your time. When you’re on a date with yourself, you’re on your own time, and you can do whatever you want (within reason, of course).
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