Too Overwhelmed to Tidy? Here Are a Few Tips for Getting Things Back in Order

Even on our very best days, cleaning isn’t exactly our idea of a fun time, but if you’re feeling overwhelmed with life, it can feel impossible to find an ounce of motivation. For those days, we have some tips to get you through. (There is hope, we promise!)

Be Kind to You

There is nothing wrong with feeling overwhelmed and truth be told, most of us have probably felt that way for one reason or another. It’s also totally normal to let responsibilities fall by the wayside when you are feeling this way. Just do us a favor, and don’t mistake this for an opportunity to start comparing yourself to others or beating yourself up. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to feel your feelings without any consequences.

Ask Yourself: What Needs to Happen Today?

Evaluate your space and figure out what would be the best plan of action for today. Will you feel better if you just dust and vacuum the floors? Maybe wiping down all the surfaces is the way to go or just going room to room and picking stuff up off of the floor?

Log On

Typically one of the answers to life’s problems is to take a break from social media, but we’re flipping the narrative today. Instead, log on to social media or YouTube and watch videos of other people cleaning their spaces. Not only are these videos satisfying to watch, but they may be just the kind of inspiration you need to get up and get started.

Make Cleaning Up at Least Kind of Fun

Blast your favorite music, open a couple of windows to let the sunshine and fresh air in, turn on a favorite comfort show, and you’ll find that time will fly by. You may even have, dare we say, some fun along the way too.

Ask for Help

Whether it’s a best friend, a roommate, your partner, or your family, hand out a few small tasks to anyone willing to help you out for a little bit. If you share your space with other people, consider a cleaning schedule that will lighten the load for everyone and keep your space nice and neat.

Keep It Simple

If you have a ton of products for cleaning, the idea of getting all of those products out and following all of the specific instructions is tiring in and of itself. Our recommendation is to have 2-3 go-to multipurpose cleaners on hand that can clean your entire home.
Our Pick: Seventh Generation Multi-Purpose Cleaning Wipes 3-Pack, ($16.19, shop here)

Don’t Even Think About Decluttering

If you’ve ever started the decluttering process only to end up stuck in one room or one section of your home for hours, then you’ll understand why. Decluttering days and cleaning days should be totally separate from one another because decluttering will always turn into a bigger task than you intended. Focus on one or the other at a time, then neither feels so overwhelming.

Ready, Set, Go!

Utilize the timer on your phone and give X amount of time to each room, then when your timer goes off, wrap it up and move on to the next. This method not only keeps you focused on one room at a time, but it allows you to determine just how much of the day you spend cleaning.


Did you just finish you task you absolutely did not want to do? Congratulations, you

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