How Getting a Monthly Massage Can Help You

Most of the time, people don’t think to set up a massage therapy appointment unless they’re feeling some muscle-y aches and pains. But truth be told, getting a solid rubdown, manipulating muscles properly, and experimenting with reflexology can be beneficial whether you’re feeling knots or not.

In this informative blog, we’re going to give you a quick list of reasons how monthly massages can help your body and your mind. Afterward, we’re sure you’re going to make a quick call to schedule in some deep tissue relaxation time.

Keep Stress Away, Improving Overall Mood

You’ve heard of the stress hormone known as cortisol, right? Well, did you know that cortisol is linked to increased risks of high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, and high blood sugar? Hence why medical professionals urge you to decrease levels in any way you possibly can.

We have a suggestion: Book a massage. You see, getting a massage regularly can reduce levels of cortisol by up to 53%. This prioritizes self care by boosting serotonin and dopamine levels, both hormones that balance moods and reduce unwanted symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Relieve Chronic Pain, Even Pain aAssociated With Headaches

Have you been feeling back, neck, or shoulder pain recently? Your first attempt at finding relief probably came from stretching or heating pads purchased at the local drug store. But what if we told you getting a massage once a month would greatly reduce that stubborn pain?

The same goes for people that suffer from chronic headaches. These two unfortunate and uncomfortable ailments can be reduced drastically. How? Research points to the ‘gate theory,’ which claims the brain can’t fully recognize pain if the touch receptors around the pain are being activated. Touch the back, neck, shoulder, and head properly, work out the kinks, and you’re on your way to a more relaxed body. Enter: Massage therapist.

Improve Circulation

Did you know that the pressure applied during a massage can stimulate blood flow? This kneading process allows the O2 and beneficial nutrients to reach different parts of the body more efficiently. In turn, said improved circulation will help heal damaged tissues and injured muscles quickly, and provide your overall being with additional energy.

Improve Immune System Functioning

Here’s an odd one, has anyone ever told you that massage therapy can help improve your body’s inherent immune system? The relaxing experience does so by stimulating lymphatic drainage, the process that removes bad toxins from the body.

Getting that lymph circulation in motion faster and more efficiently will help your body easily fight any infection that comes its way – and reduce inflammation!

Relieve Pain Associated With Cancer

Physical and emotional pain are never-ending when battling cancer, so any small relief efforts are appreciated. If you or someone in your life is fighting against this dreaded disease, book them a massage. The experience itself can increase relaxation and improve quality of life. Some studies even link massages to reduction in cancer pain.

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