Five Awesome Health Benefits of Drinking Coconut Water

If you’ve ever been tempted to try coconut water, consider this your sign to do so! Read on to learn about the benefits of drinking coconut water and ways to incorporate it into your diet.

What Is Coconut Water?

Coconut water, not to be confused with coconut milk, is a clear liquid from the inside of the coconut. It’s not too sweet, with just the right amount of tropical flavor, and it’s chock-full of electrolytes. While it may not be ideal for everyday consumption (more on this later), coconut water offers several health benefits.

Benefits of Coconut Water

Nutrients? Big Check.

Coconut water is 94% water, contains very little fat, and is a natural source of several minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Good Bones

We need to highlight one nutrient in particular: calcium. Unless you eat a ton of dairy, it can be hard to get the recommended amount of calcium (especially for women over 50). Calcium is vital for bone strength and muscle and nerve function. Just 1 cup of coconut water can help you tremendously. Your bones will thank you!

Post-Workout Recovery

Because coconut water is abundant in potassium, sodium, magnesium, and more, it can benefit your post-workout regimen. Coconut water electrolytes can regulate fluid balance, prevent dehydration, and improve muscle function. This, combined with protein and carbohydrates, is an unstoppable combination.

Got the Ick? Rehydrate With Coconut Water

When you’re sick, it’s important to drink plenty of liquid to avoid dehydration. By reaching for the coconut water, your body will stay hydrated and refreshed. Pro-tip: If you have a sore throat, freeze coconut water in popsicle molds for a soothing treat.

Promotes Happy, Healthy Skin

When you aren’t staying hydrated like you should, your skin can become dry, tight, and flaky. Drinking coconut water will help you meet your hydration goals while promoting circulation and clearer skin.

How to Add Coconut Water to Your Diet

Here are a few classic ways to add coconut water to your diet.

  1. Sip it straight from the coconut itself. Don’t live somewhere tropical? You can find coconuts at most grocers, and it’s worth checking out your local farmers market.
  2. Blend coconut water into a smoothie by using it as your base and adding your favorite fruits and vegetables.
  3. Mix coconut water with your favorite juice to boost the overall nutrition and sweetness.
  4. Freeze coconut water into ice cubes to add to plain water, juice, smoothies, and more.

Too Much of a Good Thing?

Coconut water is a low-risk beverage, but if you have health conditions that require limiting your potassium, sodium, or caloric intake, coconut water may not be for you. Before incorporating coconut water into your daily diet, check with your doctor.

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