BBQ 101: It’s Easier Thank You Think

Nobody starts out as a pitmaster. So, if you’re new to grilling, we can help you get started! With some practice, you’ll be a whiz at the barbie in no time.

Let’s Talk Equipment

There are a number of tools that will make your grilling experience easier. As you become more familiar with your grill, you’ll be eyeballing the really fancy stuff.

  • Grill fuel (depending on your grill model, you may need propane, natural gas, coal, or an electrical outlet)
  • Chimney starter, if using coal
  • Tongs
  • Spatula
  • Basting brush
  • Paper towels
  • Stiff wire grill brush
  • Instant-read thermometer
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Aluminum foil
  • Trash can

Get to Know Your Grill

Read the instructions, watch YouTube videos, and familiarize yourself with your grill before turning up the heat. What kind of grill is it? Is there a cord? A tank? Knobs? Buttons? This is just a good opportunity to play around with your setup.

Prep Time

Now that you know what kind of grill you’re working with, it’s time to prep. The first step: Make sure your grill is clean and the bottom is clear of debris so nothing clogs the heat source. Next, it’s time to season by applying an even, thin layer of canola oil to the grates before turning on the heat. Keep it light because too much oil will burn, creating a yucky buildup. If your grill is pre-seasoned or has porcelain/coated grates, you can skip this step.

Turn It Up Some

Time to add the heat! Once your grill is clean and seasoned, ensure your fuel source is ready. For gas grills, ensure the gas line valve is open. For propane, open the valve at the top of the tank under the grill (turn counterclockwise). For electric grills, find an outlet and plug it in. And if you’re working with a charcoal grill, add charcoal to the bottom, under the grate. To pre-heat, follow your grill’s instruction manual.

Grillers, Start Your Grills

If you’re working with an electric grill, you’ll use a knob to turn it on and set it to high. Close the lid, and wait for it to reach your preferred temperature. For propane or gas, raise the lid, turn on the gas at the propane tank, turn on one of the gas burners, and hit the auto light or ignition button. For any of these grill options, you can adjust the temperature by turning a knob.

For charcoal, we recommend using “match light” coals, which can be lit with a match easily. If not, add lighter fluid to your coals before hitting them with a flame. Don’t overdo it, and light your coals as soon as you apply fluid. Once coals are light gray/ash, you’re ready to cook. For a lower cooking temp, you can use vents on top and below the grill to limit the oxygen, move the coals to one side and cook on the other, or use less coal.

Cool Down, Clean Up

Once you’ve devoured your delicious meal, your grill will require some love. First, burn off any cooked food or sauce by turning up the heat with the lid down for about 15 minutes. Then turn off your grill or unplug it. Let your grill cool down, then repeat your cleaning and seasoning steps. Last but not least, if you have a grill cover, put it on.

Grilling Tips and Tricks

Here are just a few grilling tips. The more you grill, the more you’ll learn, and soon, you’ll be handing out advice.

Easy on the Flipping

Once or twice is usually the right amount of flippage. If your meat sticks to the grill, it’s not done, so leave it on longer.

Keep the Lid Shut for the Most Part

Keeping the lid shut traps the heat, adds flavor, and evenly cooks your meat, veggies, or fruit. Only open the lid when you need to flip or move meat.

Handy Dandy Meat Thermometer

Different meats require different internal temperatures. Make sure you know what temperature your meat should be at before you start grilling.

Bastin’ and Brushin’

Adding sauce or extra marinade is a great way to ensure your meat’s flavor, but adding it too early can result in burning sugar, so wait until the end of cooking to add.

Move It, Move It

You may notice that one side of your grill is hotter; if so, move food around to get an even cook throughout.

Time to Rest

Let the meat rest so the juices stay where needed and keep the food tender. Allow meat to rest properly by covering it loosely with foil and letting it sit for 5-10 minutes, depending on the size of the meat. Grilled vegetables can be served immediately.

Quick to Season

Grilling happens relatively quickly, so it’s always a good idea to have your seasonings, butter, fruits, vegetables, plates, foil, and extra paper towels nearby so you don’t have to do the griller’s sprint.

Enjoy the Process

Grilling is like anything else: Practice makes perfect. And hey, there are worse things than having to try a variety of grilled recipes while you get the hang of it. To light the grill is to start a celebration, so make sure to have fun!

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