Self-Care Habits You Should Adopt This Summer

Self-care is exactly what you think it is: Taking action to prioritize or improve overall mental and physical health. But we know sometimes it’s easier said than done. Here, we will give you some simple self-care habits to adopt this summer – or any time of year!

Get Outside More

Nature can heal our bodies. Getting outside more can improve overall cognition, increase attention span, lower the risk of mental illness, and increase empathy and social connectedness. So, what does that mean? Spend less time on your phone and in front of screens. Spend more time walking and hiking, daydreaming by a lake or river, and breathing fresh air. This self-care habit can not only make you more aware of your surroundings, but can also change how you view many aspects of life.

End Your Showers With Cold Water

This suggestion might sound like torture, but your body will get used to it. Scrub-a-dub-dub while the hot water passes over your body, but switch to cold for the last 30 seconds. The cold water will give you a natural burst of energy and endorphins. Plus, it’s great for reducing inflammation and increasing circulation.

Start Talking to Yourself

No, we don’t mean in a crazy way. We mean self-talk, as in being kind to yourself, practicing self-compassion, and getting rid of negative thoughts. Some tips to consider:

  • Replace negative talk with positive affirmations.
  • Show appreciation for your strengths and accomplishments.
  • Speak to yourself with compassion, like you would a loved one.
  • Practice mindfulness and meditation.

Practice Being Bold

Speaking up for yourself may initially sound scary, but the more you practice, the better you’ll get at it. We like to use the muscle metaphor that Healthline presents: Boldness is like a muscle – it grows the more you exercise it. How can you start? Stop laughing along and smiling during a conversation. Start sharing your ideas with friends and colleagues. Your voice deserves to be heard just as much as anyone else’s.

Stop Taking Things Personally

Do everyday conversations leave you worried? Do you ever feel uneasy because someone used an “off” tone? Has an email or voicemail ever made you wonder what you did to get that response? This summer, we encourage you to stop taking things personally. Whatever another person does is not because of you. Stick to that logic, and you’ll worry less.

Incentivize Yourself

To make a habit stick, you need motivation – little incentives to hold yourself accountable – like a special treat for breakfast or a rewarding purchase at the end of the week. Pick your incentive and watch how quickly you reach your goals!

Take a Breather

When we say take a breather, we mean to flat-out pause. Unwind the way you do best, whether for 5, 15, or 30 minutes. Be sure to schedule de-stress and relaxation time just to breathe.

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