How to Take Care of Yourself When Caring for a Sick Loved One

If you are caring for a sick loved one, it’s vital to also take care of yourself. Studies show that caregivers are more prone to high blood pressure, depression, poor eating and sleeping habits, and other health problems than non-caregivers. Here are a few strategies to help you cope and find ways to put yourself first.

Stick Close to Comfort

When everything feels out of sorts, know you can control how you deal with stress. Find things that help you relax and bring you joy, whether curling up with a book, enjoying coffee or tea, or baking.

Consider Therapy

Therapy is always a good idea, but caregiving may be the push you need to seek professional help. A support group can be a safe place to talk about your feelings and be surrounded by others going through similar things. You’ll also learn strategies to process your emotions. This support ensures you can stay mentally available to your loved one while caring for them.

Don’t Make Mountains

Many of us tend to overanalyze situations and consider every possible outcome, but now is not the time for that. Do your best to focus on the present (not what might happen) and enjoy your time with your loved one.

Love Your Body

Ensure you’re eating healthily, moving and stretching your body, getting plenty of rest, drinking water, and overall taking care of yourself. When you run yourself ragged, you have nothing left to give.

Find a Happy Medium

Find a happy medium of support you can give to your loved one. You don’t want to obsess over their needs over everything else in your life because this can lead to burnout.

Establish a Routine

When caring for a loved one, your normal routine will likely be in disarray. So, it’s important to establish a new routine to give yourself a sense of normalcy and control. A schedule also benefits your loved one because they likely crave structure, too. You may even want to create a routine together.

Do you have any tips for taking care of yourself while caring for a loved one? Share them with us in the comments below!

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