One thing’s for sure; no one likes blisters. They are painful, uncomfortable, and just irritating! So today, we are discussing what causes blisters and tips for getting rid of them!
What Are Blisters?
Blisters are small fluid-filled bubbles that form on your skin’s outer layer. Your body creates them to protect your skin from irritation or infection. In most cases, blisters are caused by friction, like tight-fitting shoes rubbing against your toe or a handheld tool rubbing against your palm. However, blisters can also be caused by bacterial or viral infections, burns or sunburn, eczema, allergic reactions, and frostbite.
How to Get Rid of a Blister
Leave It
Most blisters will restore on their own in a couple of days. As it heals, your body will reabsorb the fluids, dry out, and shed. Resist the urge to pop or peel off the dry skin because this can interfere with healing. Plus, when you pop a blister, you are opening the skin and putting it at risk for more irritation, germs, and infection. It is best to leave the fluid-filled bubble alone.
Protect It
Sometimes, a blister needs a little more protection to keep it from popping. In these cases, you can cover it with a loose or cushioned adhesive bandage or moleskin (thick cotton padding) to help absorb the pressure. Remember to cover the moleskin with a regular bandage to keep out the bacteria.
Use Natural Remedies
Some natural remedies may help a blister heal faster, including:
- Aloe Vera: Can help reduce pain from blisters caused by a minor burn or sunburn.
- Green Tea: Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that may help with the healing process.
- Eucalyptus Oil: Can help disinfect and clean the wound because of its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
- Tea Tree Oil: May boost the healing process and reduce the chance of infection due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Drain It
We know we said you should never pop a blister. But sometimes, blisters may be large and in a problematic area and need to be dealt with. In this case, there are steps you can follow to drain (NOT pop) your blister:
- Make sure to wash your hands and the blister.
- Disinfect a tiny needle with rubbing alcohol.
- Poke a few shallow holes around the blister’s edge and allow it to drain.
- Apply ointment.
- Cover the blister with gauze or a bandage.
- Repeat these steps every six to eight hours for the first day. After that, you can apply new ointment and dressing daily.
When to See a Doctor About a Blister
Sometimes blisters can be more serious. Here are some signs you need to see a doctor.
- The blister has yellow or green pus.
- The pain is getting worse.
- If the blister is in a strange area like your mouth or eyes.
- The blisters keep returning.
- They are red and inflamed.
- You are experiencing signs of an allergic reaction.
Blisters can form for many reasons, but treating them rather than popping them is best because this may prevent infections. If you’re experiencing weird or frequent blisters, contact your doctor.
How do you get rid of blisters? Let us know in the comments below.