Lately, we’ve been hearing about celebrities and influencers who swear by the incredible benefits they get from taking cold showers. This led us to wonder: Are cold showers just another Hollywood fad, or is there scientific evidence to back up their claims?
According to Healthline, cold showers can serve as a type of hydrotherapy (water therapy) to treat ailments and make our bodies more resistant to stress. Here are a few potential benefits of turning down the heat.
Improved Mental Health
Studies have suggested that cold water plunges and cold showers can improve overall mood and treat conditions like depression and anxiety. This is likely because when the body comes into contact with a stressor (like cold water), it releases stress hormones like noradrenaline and cortisol. Cold water immersion has also been shown to increase endorphins and mood-regulating dopamine.
Immunity Boosts
Being cold and wet for too long could make you sick. But, ironically, taking a cold shower can also boost your immunity. In one clinical trial in the Netherlands, cold showers showed a 29% reduction in participants calling in sick to work. Another study published in 2007 also linked repeated exposure to cold water to improved survival rates for those battling cancerous tumors. Why would a cold shower combat illness? It’s likely because cold showers have been linked to an increase in white blood cells, which power your immune system.
Enhanced Energy
If you know someone who regularly takes cold showers, you’ve probably heard them say it helps them wake up or become more alert. Scientifically, their claims have a solid backing. Cold showers stimulate blood flow as the body rushes to warm its core and protect organs. Blood carries nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, so when that happens faster, the result is increased energy levels. The shock of chilly water doesn’t hurt your levels of alertness, either.
Weight Loss
Let‘s be clear: Cold showers are no miracle solution for weight loss, but according to some studies, they could help. When you get cold, your body must work harder to keep itself at a safe temperature, causing a temporary metabolism boost. Since heat creation requires expending extra energy, your body burns additional calories as it fights to warm itself back up.
Risks of Cold Showers
Cold showers have many benefits, but they can be harmful in excess. Prolonged exposure to cold water can slow your breathing, drop your blood pressure, alter your heart rate, or impact consciousness. So keep it quick and carefully monitor your body’s responses.
Do you take cold showers? Share your experiences with us in the comments below!