How to Squeeze Everything Into Your Day

Some days, there’s a lot to do, and there’s just no way around it. If you’re scrambling to fit everything in, you may need some help with prioritizing and scheduling. Here are a few helpful tips to get you started!

Become an Early Riser

When you think about some of the most productive and successful people in your life, what do they all have in common? Are they all morning people? Studies have shown that people who wake up early are more productive in their jobs than their stay-up-late counterparts. Even waking up just 30 minutes to an hour earlier than usual can make a difference.

Reduce Meal Times

While taking breaks is key to productivity, you could make better use of your lunch break. Odds are, it doesn’t take you a full hour to eat your lunch. Instead, you can use that time to get through other items on your to-do list that may typically wait until after work.

Create a To-Do List

When you take the time to develop a to-do list, you can better prioritize that list, plan out your schedule, and determine how much you can realistically get done in one day. The simple act of writing out your to-do items will set you up for success.

Ditch the Phone

Despite feeling like you need it all the time, your phone can be a huge distraction. So when you really want to focus, it’s best to leave it to the side. Whether you put it into airplane mode, store it in a different room, or turn it off entirely, you’re more likely to focus on the task at hand.

Adopt the Five-Sentence Rule

Have you ever spent way too long crafting a single email at work? The five-sentence rule attempts to abolish that problem and save up to an hour a day. To accomplish this, email responses regardless of the subject should be five sentences or less. It’s a great way to limit your time sending emails while still getting most information across. Try it!

Limit Meetings

Meetings notoriously go over their allotted timeframes, usually resulting from unnecessary chitchat or veering off-topic. Always keep agendas for meetings, and do your best to stick to them. Limiting your time in meetings means you have more time to accomplish tasks on your to-do list.

What are some tips you have for squeezing everything into your day? Share with us in the comments below!

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