15 Fun Things To Do On A Day Indoors

When you have a positive mindset, you can make anything fun. Here are some ideas on how you can spend your day efficiently while we are asked to self isolate!

Have A Bubble Bath

Set the mood, light up some candles, play your favorite music, and take time to relax in comforting warm water. If you have a partner, you can use this to spend some time together and relax.


Get your creative juices flowing and try scrapbooking. It will relax you and make you feel creative and motivated. You can also use your old photos to make a collage.

Have A Pillow Fight

You can recreate an adrenaline rushing game from your childhood with your partner or your best friend. Let your inner child out and use a pillow to destress.

Do Your Nails

It never seems to be an excellent time to paint your nails. Take this time to make yourself feel pretty.

Have a Movie Marathon

What was the last time you watched Harry Potter? Make some popcorn and enjoy your favorite movies.

Play Beer Pong 

Over 21? Use your kitchen table to play beer pong. You will have an excuse to get tipsy while having fun.


There is nothing that can get your spirits up as quick as dancing to your favorite music while enjoying a glass of wine. TikTok is very popular online right now.

Read a Book

This is the perfect time to read that book you’ve been planning on reading, but couldn’t seem to find the time.

Bake Cookies

Bake some cookies and take time to decorate them. Then, let your family relax and indulge.

Play Board Games

Play board games with your family and make it a tournament. See who can win the most, who cheats the most and who gets angry the easiest. Quarantined alone? Try sites like www.chess.com, and challenge whichever friend you want to a virtual video game.

Practice Yoga

Have a workout session at home. You can find virtual workouts on YouTube and so many websites.

Sort Your Finances

This may not sound fun, but you will thank yourself once you tackle this and realize how much money you can be saving during this time.

Create a Poshmark

Never had time to clean out the clothes you don’t wear and make some cash from them? Now’s the time to make an account and get everything organized.

Zoom Chat

Haven’t caught up with your friends in a while? Schedule Zoom dates; you can have a small or large video chat group!

Sleep In

Once your work duties are completed, there is nothing wrong with taking the time to recharge and catch up on sleep.

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