Beauty Hack: Make Your Eyeshadow Double as Liner

Have you ever created the perfect eyeshadow look – only to realize that you don’t have the liner that you need to complete it? We love a good beauty hack, and one of our favorites is using eyeshadow as eyeliner. These are the best ways to do exactly that! All you need is an angled eye brush and a few items you already own.

Just Add Water

The simplest way to turn powder eyeshadow into liquid liner? Just add water! Now, you don’t want to dump water directly onto the shadow (that could ruin it). Instead, wet your angled brush first, then coat it in the eyeshadow of your choice. Don’t be shy here if you’re looking for a sharp, bold liner. Use the brush to apply a solid line to the desired area, then repeat this process as many times as necessary to get the look you crave.

Mix With Setting Spray

This concept is similar to mixing shadow with water, but it offers a better hold. Generously spritz some setting spray onto your angled brush, then drag it through the color of your choice, coating the bristles thoroughly. Then apply the color as you would a liquid liner.

Try This Specialized Product: Inglot Cosmetics Duraline ($16.85, shop here)

You aren’t the first person to encounter the inconvenience of lacking the perfect liner. In fact, a product exists specifically to help with this problem! Duraline is designed to bring dried-up liners back to life and convert powdered products into liquid. You can use this magic serum to transform any shadow into a bold liner and then apply it with ease. Like using water and setting spray, you’ll want to wet the brush first, cover it in eyeshadow, and apply it to your eyes as desired.

Mixing Medium

Similar to Duraline, mixing mediums are designed to let you transform one makeup form into another. If your eyeshadow of choice is glittery, you’ll definitely want to use a mixing medium – not water or setting spray. Because mixing mediums are tacky gels, they offer an unmatched ability to reduce fallout and hold loose glitter.

A Few More Options

If none of the above options work or are available, there are other household items you can use to mix the liner of your dreams, including eye drops and coconut oil. So stress no more about your eyeliner collection. You can make the perfect shade of liner out of any old eyeshadow!

Have you tried any of these eyeliner beauty hacks? Share your experience with us in the comments below!


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